Restore container¶
- Stop and remove the container.
- Restore (rename) the backup container.
- Restore saved data to the data volume.
- Restore permissions to the directories.
- Start the container.
You must have a backup to restore from.
To restore the container:
Stop the container.
docker stop pmm-server
Remove it.
docker rm pmm-server
Revert to the saved image.
docker rename pmm-server-backup pmm-server
Change directory to the backup directory (e.g.
).cd pmm-data-backup
Copy the data.
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/srv:/backup -v pmm-data:/srv -t perconalab/pmm-server:3.0.0-beta cp -r /backup/* /srv
Restore permissions.
docker run --rm -v pmm-data:/srv -t perconalab/pmm-server:3.0.0-beta chown -R pmm:pmm /srv
Start the image.
docker start pmm-server
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